Take-all patch

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Take all patch

Latin Name: 
Gaeumannomyces graminis

Turf Diseases

Habitat & Timing:
The disease can occur on all types of turf, but is mostly found on bentgrass and annual meadow grass. It is often induced by the practice of applying lime to neutralise an acid soil and high risk conditions include; alkaline root zone, alkaline irrigation water, poor drainage, excessive thatch and lack of manganese.

Take-all patch survives in previously infected plants and spreads by ascopsores (wind, water, soil and debris). It infects by runner hyphae into the root and through direct penetration.

Initial signs start as small patches that could increase to 1m across. Plants take on a brown/bronze colour but as the disease progresses and the root system is gradually reduced the plants die, being easily removed from turf.  At the base of the stem and around the crown dark brown spores (1mm) can be found. The disease can actively reduce the amount of manganese available to the plant.

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