
‘Glyphosate Hub’ – a hub dedicated to amenity contractors

Envu has launched a new hub to provide contractors with everything they need to know about glyphosate.

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To support the use of glyphosate in the amenity sector, Envu has launched a new amenity specific ‘Glyphosate Hub’ to empower contractors by providing them with relevant information about this vital active ingredient.

Who’s the Glyphosate Hub aimed at?

After surveying amenity professionals last year, it was clear there was a need for factual information to support and justify glyphosate use. Historically, information has been made more available to the agriculture sector, and this is why we’ve developed this bespoke hub specifically for amenity contractors.

What’s on the hub?

This handy hub holds all the information that an amenity contractor may need in one place, helping them to separate facts from fiction.

The ‘Glyphosate Hub’ provides contractors with factual information to respond to queries from the public and colleagues alike. It also emphasises that there’s very few alternatives to control such a broad spectrum of weeds, something many people outside of the amenity sector are not aware of.

Specific information on the hub includes:

Have your say…

With your help the ‘Glyphosate Hub’ will continue to evolve and grow over time, so that it provides up-to-date and relevant information to support amenity contractors in their role. Have your say on the information you need to justify weed control programmes and provide feedback about the service by emailing


‘Glyphosate has been used safely for more than 40 year and the Glyphosate Hub provides amenity contractors with the evidence they need to back this up.’