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Harmonix Turf Defense


Harmonix Turf Defense

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Product Overview

Harmonix® Turf Defense is a new turf bio-control fungicide product with broad-spectrum contact fungicidal activity. 

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Product Description

Harmonix® Turf Defense contains Bacillus amyloliquefaciens QST 713, naturally occurring bacteria that are not genetically modified. It is intended to be used to control turf diseases such as: microdochium patch, anthracnose and dollar spot.


It is recommended to apply Harmonix® Turf Defense at the very first symptoms of the target pathogen, thus in a preventative to early curative disease situation.


Harmonix® Turf Defense prevents plant diseases by first creating a zone of inhibition on the leaf and preventing attachment and penetration of the pathogens. Biological compounds produced by Bacillus amyloliquefaciens QST 713 act to destroy germ tubes and mycelia of pathogenic fungi by puncturing their cell membranes. 


By preventing spore germination and penetration into the plant, the infection is stopped and disease is prevented from spreading to the rest of the plant. Furthermore, compounds produced by Bacillus amyloliquefaciens QST 713 induce the systemic resistance response of the plant, indicated by enhanced peroxidase activity.


Harmonix® Turf Defense may be applied as a foliar spray alone or in alternating spray programmes with other registered crop protection products. Alternating with fungicides of different modes of action, along with the use of cultural control methods, is advisable for resistance management.



Where to buy?

Use & Safety

When to use

January February March April May June July August September October November December

Where to use

Golf Professional sports ground Bowls Cricket Tennis

Application rates and delivery

Maximum number of treatments: up to 10 applications per year on the treated area.

It is also necessary to respect a minimum period of 7 days between two applications.

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