Signature® XTRA Stressgard® currently for Ireland
Product Overview
The first FULLY systemic fungicide available to the Irish Market
As the Irish turf market continues to face increased pressure on disease management due to the loss of a number of active ingredients and chemical groups, Envu continues to invest in the turf industry to ensure innovative solutions continue to be made available to turf managers.
Product Description
Authorised in Ireland in 2020, Envu has brought not only a brand new active ingredient, but a whole new fungicide group to the market (the second since 2017). Signature® XTRA Stressgard® is a true systemic fungicide that delivers control of Microdochium Patch and Anthracnose, minimises stress and enhances turf health through its turf specific Stressgard® Formulation Technology.
Many products available are known as systemic but they only move upward (acropetally) in the plants xylem.
A fully systemic fungicide permeates into the plant, moves upward (acropetally) in the plant’s xylem, and also moves downward (basipetally) in the plant’s phloem.
These fully systemic properties ensure protection both of treated plant parts and due to the downwards movement the protection of the roots. Redistribution occurs upward and downward as the plant grows and the new growth formed between two treatments is protected. Delivering true shoot to root protection.
Of the currently available systemic fungicides, only Signature® XTRA Stressgard® is fully systemic which means it is the only TRUE systemic.
Key features:
- The only True Systemic Fungicide
- Offer shoot to root protection
- Brand new Active Substance
- Brand new turf fungicide group
- Contains Stressgard® formulation technology
- Boosts plant health
- Increases consistency of turf colour & density
Use & Safety
Application rates and delivery
Rate of use:For use only as a horticultural fungicide.
Situation: Grassland – amenity.
Maximum individual dose: 20 kg/ha
Maximum number of treatments: Three per year
The product is to be applied as a foliar spray to established turf, at an application rate of 20 kg of product/ha diluted in 220 to 600 L/haof water.
Signature® XTRA Stressgard® can be applied from September to April against Microdochium Patch and all year round against Anthracnose.
Signature® XTRA Stressgard® can be used when grass is either dormant or actively growing. Displays protective activity against Microdochium Patch. When used against Anthracnose Signature® XTRA Stressgard® displays protective and early curativeactivity. For best results apply preventatively or at first sign of disease and repeat as necessary at intervals of 14 days or greater.
A total of 3 applications are permitted in a calendar year, a minimum interval of two weeks must be observed between applications.
Signature® XTRA Stressgard® can be applied as foliar spray on turf via vehicle mounted hydraulic sprayers and handheld knapsack equipment, using appropriate application equipment which delivers the product to give a uniform coverage.
Application Equipment:
Vehicle-mounted Hydraulic Sprayer Knapsack Sprayer
Rate per hectare Water per hectare* Rate per 100 m2 Water per 100 m2 *
20 kg 220-600 litres
200 g 2 -6 litres
Rate per 500 m2 Water per 500 m2 *
1 kg 10-30 litres
* The spray concentration of the product must be less than 10% by volume.
When Signature® XTRA Stressgard® is used on professionally managed golf courses applications should be made to areas at high risk of fungal disease infection; namely golf tees, golf greens and areas of fairway surrounding tees and greens. If spot treatments are needed for localised patches of fairway, the area treated should not be greater than 5% of the fairway area.
Sprayers should be THOROUGHLY CLEANED before use and filters and jets checked for damage and blockages.
Half fill the sprayer tank with clean water and agitate. Add the required amount of Signature® XTRA Stressgard®.
Mix thoroughly and make up to the required volume of water while still agitating.
Spray immediately after mixing. Continue agitation at all times during spraying and stoppages, until the tank is completely empty.
Ensure an even distribution on the turf to be treated.
Wash out all spray equipment thoroughly with water immediately after use.
Signature® XTRA Stressgard® testimonial
“I applied Signature® XTRA Stressgard® in preparation for our club’s championships in August to ensure the turf was in optimum condition. I’ve now made three applications in total since June, timed to coincide with periods of high summer stress such as drought, heat, and wind.
“Since then we’ve hardly had any cases of Anthracnose and patches that have occurred have been less aggressive than in previous seasons. To date, we’ve had no Microdochium Patch or persisting symptoms of summer stress.
“Even though it’s the only change that has been made, applications of Signature® XTRA Stressgard® have enhanced the natural colour of the greens to such a degree that the golf club members have commented on the improved visual appearance of the playing surface.
With monthly applications of Signature® XTRA Stressgard® I know the turf is less stressed and susceptible to infection. I have complete confidence in the results of Signature® XTRA Stressgard®, and the greens are looking great in advance of our next competition.”
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