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Destiny Turf - Only Available in Ireland

Discontinued Products

Destiny Turf - Only Available in Ireland

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Product Overview

Destiny Turf, Hard on weeds, Soft on turf

Product Description

Destiny® Turf delivers powerful, effective long lasting weed control due to the three active ingredients working to get to the root of the problem. Whilst ensuring hard to control broad-leaved weeds such as Daisy, Dandelion, Plantain and Clover are managed, Destiny® Turf remains soft on the turf.

Key Features & Benefits
  • Controls many hard-to-kill weeds in turf
  • Contains three powerful active ingredients
  • Excellent control against plantains and daisies
  • Can be used on newly sown turf

Application Rates

Where to Buy

Available to buy from Cropcare Amenity Ltd and Unichem Ltd

Use & Safety

When to use

April May June July August September

Where to use

Application rates and delivery

Destiny® Turf may be applied to both newly sown (2 months after sowing) and established turf. New turf should be treated in the spring provided that at least two months have elapsed between sowing and application.