New preventative fungicide launched in Ireland

Greenkeepers in Ireland can now access the latest in turf fungicide technology, to tackle both Microdochium Patch and Dollar Spot on their greens this coming disease season.

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Exteris® Stressgard® was launched by Envu to the UK market in early 2017 and is now registered for use in Ireland. 

Greg Collins, from the Envu Turf Solutions Team, explains that the product brings a totally new category of fungicide to the market. “It contains a third generation SDHI, and is the very first of its sort to be launched in the Irish turf industry, providing a new tool for the greenkeepers’ diminishing armoury.”

He explains it is the formulation of two active ingredients (AI) that makes the new fungicide so unique. “The SDHI – fluopyram, has a systemic action that moves up through the roots and leaves to prevent disease as the plant grows. The other AI – trifloxystrobin, is part of the strobilurin group, and acts as a ‘local penetrant’ that offers targeted disease control.

“There are very few curative fungicides still available on the market, following the loss of iprodione, so a transition to a preventative approach is required, and Exteris® Stressgard® can help greenkeepers do just that,” says Greg.

Irish Sports Turf Institute trial manager, Mark Sheridan, put Exteris® Stressgard® to the test using preventative applications for Microdochium Patch control, and saw a clear improvement in disease suppression, compared to untreated plots.

“Turf professionals once had the comfort of curative chemistry, but with the loss of iprodione and other similar products, the future of disease control lies with the use of preventative, integrated management programmes.

“When Exteris® Stressgard® is applied preventatively, and proactive cultural practices such as aeration, judicious use of fertiliser and irrigation, are teamed with appropriate biological control measures, it’s possible to achieve significant turf protection,” explains Mark.

For more information please visit, email or contact Cropcare on 01-2874485.

Key benefits of Exteris® Stressgard®:

  • New chemical group to the turf market.
  • Developed with Stressgard formulation technology specially for turfgrass
  • Targeted Microdochium Patch prevention
  • Dual active formulation
  • Flexible water volumes
  • Quick dry time and absorption
  • Aids in resistance management 
  • Reduces damage from harmful UV radiation