Envu launch second new herbicide to Irish market this year

Envu is excited to be launching a new powerful selective herbicide that will provide greenkeepers, landscapers and groundsmen in Ireland with effective broad-spectrum weed control.

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“Destiny® Turf provides another alternative herbicide and with three active ingredients, it offers effective, long-lasting weed control, providing a cost-effective option to weed-free turf,” explains Greg Collins, Envu national account manager.

“It also controls some of the hardest-to-manage weeds, while being ‘soft’ on turf, helping greenkeepers to deliver a top-quality playing surface without damaging the turf.

“This product is an affordable option that can be used on fine turf, sports turf and landscaped areas. Even with its low application rate, it’s proven to successfully combat multiple weeds,” says Greg.

He adds that Destiny® Turf can also be used on newly sown areas, due to the formulation that selectively targets weeds before they out compete the turfgrass.

“To ensure efficient, effective control, Destiny® Turf should be used as part of an integrated weed management programme.

“Application timing is crucial, so to see the best results, the herbicide should be applied in spring or early summer. However, the product is approved for use from April through to September,” explains Greg.

“It’s also important to apply the treatment when weeds are actively growing, as conditions that favour good grass growth will also encourage weed growth.

“Destiny® Turf is available in convenient pack sizes, with a two-litre bottle which is enough to treat one hectare,” concludes Greg.