
Step-by-step guide to achieving long-term weed control

Weeds are appearing so it’s important amenity contractors, if they haven’t already, have a control plan in place.

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weeds on tracks

Taking a total weed control approach can help amenity contractors accomplish successful long-term management, by tackling weeds head on and achieving long lasting residual control.

Combining a residual herbicide with a non-selective contact herbicide can provide successful, long-term weed control over already established weeds. With the non-selective herbicide providing the initial knockdown, and the residual herbicide then preventing weeds from emerging for four to five months.

With so many different weed control options out there, here’s a step-by-step guide to achieving successful control.

Step one – Assess the area you are treating

The initial step is to assess the surrounding area and undertake an environmental assessment. Once completed contractors should develop an approach which is safe, while still offering successful control.

This should take into account the problematic weeds that need targeting to ensure your approach will control these effectively.

Step two – Cultural controls

Cultural controls should form the basis of any weed control programme as they offer a non-chemical solution to getting on top of emerged weeds.

Hand weeding is one way to remove established weeds, alternatively strimming or mowing can be used, and while it’s a process that has to be repeated regularly, it does keep the area clean and tidy.

Step three – Long-term weed control solutions

Implementing a total weed control approach can help amenity contractors achieve long-term weed free areas in public spaces.

Valdor Flex® is a pre- and post-emergence residual herbicide that can be used to prevent weeds from emerging for up to four months, reducing the frequency of traditional herbicide applications.

Applying Valdor Flex® as a pre-emergence residual herbicide will help prevent a broad spectrum of weeds emerging in the first place. However if weeds are already present it should be used as a post-emergence residual herbicide and applied alongside a non-selective contact herbicide such as Roundup® ProActive or ProVantage which will provide the initial knockdown. Together, they will successfully tackle hard to manage weeds.

However, if weeds do re-emerge during the season, then further applications of a non-selective herbicide can be made.

Applying a residual herbicide such as Valdor Flex® in combination with Roundup® can control weeds on a wide range of surfaces including open soil, gravel and industrial areas for the majority of the weed growing season.

Valdor Flex® itself provides a number of benefits including a formulation of two separate active ingredients diflufencian and iodosulfuron-methyl-sodium, which can help to minimise the risk of resistance due to the two different modes of action.

It’s also available in a range of pack sizes. The 10g sachets are the ideal dose to be mixed in a knapsack sprayer with 10 litres of water. However, the 500g bottle may be more cost effective to use in a tractor mounted sprayer.

Step four – Continue to monitor for weed re-growth

Even once weeds are under control, it’s important to monitor the area closely and if re-growth can be seen, then a preventative approach should be taken to keep on top of weeds in public spaces.


Valdor Flex testimonial

John Shufflebotham, operations manager at Hortech

“We trialled Valdor Flex on a couple of our utility sites. It was applied with glyphosate as we already had some weed growth because of the time of the season, and wanted some residual control to help prevent more weeds emerging.

“We found the combination worked effectively, knocking down weeds while helping to stop emergence of new weeds for several weeks.

“Because it was effective for a number of weeks, we were able to reduce the amount of herbicide used on follow up treatments, saving us time and money.

“Valdor Flex was easy to use and the Envu Turf Solutions Team were very supportive during the trial and always at the end of the phone to offer advice when needed.

“With limited herbicides on the market, it’s great to have a new product to add to our armoury which allows us to rotate active ingredients helping to reduce the risk of resistance.”