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The search for "ants" found 14 results
Maxforce LN
Maxforce LN is a ready to use ant bait which has been specifically developed for the control of black ants.
Maxforce Pushbox
Maxforce Pushbox is a ready to use insecticidal bait station, for the rapid control of a variety of ants, for use indoors and outdoors.
Maxforce Quantum
A ready to use insecticidal gel bait for the control of Black, Pharaoh, Ghost and Argentine ants.
Ficam D
Ficam D is ideal to use where liquid-based formulations are unsuitable. The Ficam D withdrawal dates have now been issued: Sold by date - 29th July 2024 (product can no longer be purchased after this date) Use by date - 25th January 2025...
Ghost Ant
Latin name: Tapinoma melanocephalum Family: Formicidae Characteristics: Ghost ants are an invasive species and in Europe, occupy roughly the same habitat as Pharaoh ants including public buildings, residential homes and warmer habitats such as...
Argentine Ant
Latin name: Linepithema humile Family: Formicidae Characteristics: Argentine ants are polygyne (multiple queens in a single colony), as they are not territorial towards each other the workers interact between nests, which enables them to form...
Pharaoh Ant
Latin name: Monomorium pharaonis Family: Formicidae Characteristics: Elbowed antennae; biting mouthparts; if present, two pairs of membranous wings, fore and hindwings hooked together; abdomen constricted at base giving appearance of a waist which...
Black Ant
Latin name: Lasius niger Family: Formicidae Characteristics: Elbowed antennae; biting mouthparts; if present, two pairs of membranous wings, fore and hindwings hooked together; abdomen constricted at base giving appearance of a waist which bears...
The Impact of Ants – are they really a problem?
Ants are remarkable creatures; a fact regularly echoed on our TV screens. They are small but mighty being able to carry fifty times their body weight. They can navigate rough terrain with apparent ease and can effectively communicate in colonies to avoid predators, protect their nest and find food.
How To Control Ants
Controlling ants is a key job for pest controllers’ during the warmer months. Read our top tips for controlling the pest here.