Stay on top of label changes at PestEX

The Envu Pest Solutions Team will be advising attendees at PestEx on a range of pest control management issues, including label changes to their insecticide Ficam® D. It is also a chance to find out more on the latest features of their Pest Partner app.

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Richard Moseley, Envu technical manager, says Ficam® D was re-approved by the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) earlier this year.

“The new label means that it can only be applied in indoor situations, but after tireless work from the Envu regulatory team, we’ve been able to secure its use to treat internal voids while the operator is located outside the building,” he says.

“It’s a step change in the use of this market leading product, so I would advise pest controllers come and talk to the expert team on stand 36 at the event,” says Richard.

Pest control in food premises

Richard will also be speaking at 15:00 on the first day of the event, 20 March. The topic of the seminar is ‘Building better pest control programmes’ and reports on results from British Retail Consortium (BRC) research.

“My presentation aims to answer, what do food safety managers want from pest controllers? and vice versa.

“This is vital to understand because if clear expectations are set the pest controllers and food safety managers can work to improve how they collaborate and enhance the future of pest management,” says Richard.

Finally, attendees will be able to download and discuss the Pest Partner app with the team. The innovative app aims to help pest controllers calculate doses, identify pests and view safety data, at the touch of a button while on the job.