
How Digital Pest Management can support Pest Managers

How the revolutionary tool, Digital Pest Management, can transform the roles of Pest Managers and take pest control into the future.

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A revolutionary tool for the pest control sector, Digital Pest Management (DPM) will transform the role of Pest Manager’s and how they approach rodent issues, leading pest control into the future.

Gary Nicholas, sales manager for Digital Pest Management, discusses the technology behind the systems and how it can benefit technicians day-to-day.


Digital Pest Management

Gary explains Digital Pest Management is a cloud based remote, digital monitoring system designed to make pest control within commercial sites more targeted and sustainable, along with being time and cost efficient.

The traps are similar to those already widely used by Pest Managers. But what makes them unique is the specialist smart technology within the base of the trap. This technology provides trigger and capture notifications, whilst continuously collecting date and building analytics from that data.

Notifications are sent within a matter of seconds through the cloud system to the pest controller (and anyone else configured within the system to receive the data) via an alert on their tablet or mobile device, allowing them to react rapidly.

The trap’s icon within the digital site plans also change colour depending on the status of the traps. This helps Pest Manager’s visually identify areas of activity as well as where no activity has been detected.

DPM ipad presentation 

Heat mapping technology from the system provides invaluable information to Pest Managers at the click of a button. Daily diagnostic reports check each and every trap on site. The equivalent of having all traps serviced and reported on every day of the year!

DPM heatmap on ipad


Why choose Digital Pest Management?

Gary explains that the main benefit of using the Digital Pest Management system is that it allows Pest Managers to deal with a pest problem a lot quicker, more efficiently and in a targeted manner.

This significantly reduces the time a technician spends monitoring and inspecting each trap manually. Particularly if they are responsible for larger sites and multi property clients, such as shopping centres, multi-use office complexes, universities and education facilities, NHS and health care facilities. 

He adds that the system doesn’t have to be used site wide and can very easily be tailored to the individual needs of clients and their sites, monitoring and protecting particular areas.

Technicians and Pest Control Companies that use this system will also be able to access continuous and ongoing support from Envu, with direct contact between Pest Managers and trained experts.


Environmental benefits of Digital Pest Management

With regulations surrounding rodenticide use often changing, Digital Pest Management can now allow for a more targeted and precise application of rodenticides in areas where rodent activity is known, as and when needed

DPM also provides a sustainable and more environmentally responsible approach to the issue of rodenticide resistance and protecting non-target species as the need for blanket treatments can be minimised.


How will Digital Pest Management change the industry?

Gary explains that there is a need for change within the pest control sector and Digital Pest Management helps make the job of the pest control technician more efficient and transparent by utilising data capture and analytics technology.

Digital Pest Management is not designed to replace technicians or in any way diminish the need for their skills but rather allow them to fulfil their roles with greater efficiency, whilst improving pest management and control results.

Digital systems are bespoke for each site, a full survey will be carried out to tailor to the customer needs and budget requirements. Envu support is available.

"The need for skilled and motivated service technicians doesn't diminish with the introduction of digital pest management, quite the opposite in fact. What this allows, is the re-allocating of labour, ie our industry's skilled workforce is now able to focus on the root cause of infestations. Combining human skills with digital data will enable Pest Managers to predict when and where future infestations may occur. This level of data, analytics and technical skill will prove to be a very powerful tool for the future of integrated pest management, as well as the value add that these platforms bring to customers and clients of Pest Managers."


Gary Nicholas, Digital Pest Management UK & Ireland Sales Manager

Digital Pest Management 
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